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First steps in the world of employment

Successful start to the training year 2021​: Successful start to the training year 2021​

Four youngsters began their training at motan in Isny on 1st September 2021. Over the next few years, they will be trained as industrial managers, warehouse logistics specialists and automation technology electricians. One trainee will complete an entry-level qualification to learn the trade of a warehouse logistics specialist.

On behalf of the company, Rene Kieninger, HR Business Partner at motan gmbh, welcomed the new trainees to Isny on their first day. An introductory event provided the trainees with important initial information about motan and about the years of training ahead of them.

motan places the focus on practical training. The objective is to provide trainees with the best possible preparation for everyday working life. With this in mind, the youngsters will spend time in various departments over the coming months. They will also take part in a special motan Start programme to familiarise themselves with the details. This will provide them with more profound insights into products and the corporate environment and impart some important information about the industry.

motan offers trainees more than just the opportunity to apply their skills in practice. Students also regularly complete internships at the company, perform working student tasks or receive support with their final dissertation. This provides students with the opportunity to link their theoretical knowledge with practical experience, providing them with ideal preparation for their entry into the world of employment.